April 29, 1989: Jon Bon Jovi Marries Dorothea Hurley

by Tommy Lemon / 3240 days ago / Comments

April 29, 1989: Jon Bon Jovi married his childhood sweetheart, Dorothea Hurley, on the steps of the Graceland Chapel, Las Vegas. Bon Jovi, age 27 at the time, had one day off during the New Jersey tour and the two decided to sneak off for a private ceremony not telling his tour manager, band mates, or security.  The two didn't even have wedding rings for the occasion.  Many in the organization questioned his decision at the time and feared it would hurt the popularity of the band. However, Bon Jovi continued to put out hits and sell out shows. Jon and Dorothea have four children and remain together to this day.


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About Tommy Lemon

Tommy Lemon Co-Founder of Center Stage Magazine and President of the American Country Music Association

Music has always been my passion. In recent years, discovering new music, new artists, and hidden musical treasures has become one of my favorite things to do. Founding Center Stage Magazine gives me (and us) an opportunity to share those discoveries with people all around the world. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do! God Bless! ~ Tommy