William Control: The Desire and Seduction

In a dark room with an array of t-shirts lining the walls of Chain Reaction in Anaheim, Ca., stood many fans adorning elaborate gothic attire. They are eagerly awaiting the presence of the Goth Father, William Control. From the moment he stepped out onto the stage he was hypnotic. He commanded the entire crowd immediately, seducing us all. Watching him look into the souls of his fans as he sang to them was fascinating. His voice rich with emotion and power was intoxicating. It seemed to drive everyone crazy. His music is dark and captures the struggles he has faced everyday with drugs and alcohol. Although the subject matter at the center of his songs may be controversial, it takes courage to write about your daily battles. That is commendable. William is a very mysterious man that generates a desire for others to want more of him. He is a very charming and enigmatical man, but there was something about him smoking on stage and singing so effortlessly that drew you in even closer. It was entrancing. This is a feeling that though I have done my best to describe, you have to experience it to understand. I was told prior to going to his performance that I would not leave the same way. It is true. Being able to witness this remarkable man's concert live has left an impression that will carry on with me the rest of my life.
The stage presence that William Control and the Neuromantic Boys have is undeniable. The methodical way that Ben Tourkantonis used water on his drums to create a mystical splash of light was enchanting. It was invigorating to see such a stellar performance. Kenneth Fletcher never missed a beat and the vibrations of his guitar riffs rocked your inner core. It was intense. The way William handled his microphone was unlike anything I have ever seen before. It was a show in itself. It was like a boomerang was combined with the most incredible yoyo and William was it's master! It was definitely a dazzling display of microphone stunts. Together these guys have taken stage performance to an entirely new level. Along with the control William had of the crowd, the energy created a fire within the audience that will be burning for years to come.
William as some of you know was a part of the band Aiden. During the show he made a stunning announcement that William Control will be taking a break after the Punishment Tour. The audience was immediately saddened, but not to worry as he quickly said that this summer he is immediately getting back to work to make a new Aiden album! As you can imagine the crowd became extremely excited and the rise of energy flowed through everyone there.
After the show I spoke with Ben who was a bit quiet, but super funny. He was great. I had to steal a picture with him of course to add to my scrapbook of memorable moments. Then I made my way backstage and sought out William. As I walked into the room I felt his eyes looking through me wondering who the hell was walking up to him. I introduced myself and I told him that the way he commanded the crowd was amazing and that I could see all of the panties dropping, to which he replied "I could smell it". I can't explain it, but I was still under his hypnotic control. He is such a mysterious and brilliant man. He was gracious and also took a picture with me. He said he looked forward to reading my article, and to "write whatever you want". No pressure right? Well William, you have left a huge impression on me and many others and I am eager to see what you do next. Don't forget to check him out on his social media profiles below. Until next time ~Missy Wolf