3 Matching Articles for "Traditional"

CRS50 with Missy: Shane Owens

CRS50 with Missy: Shane Owens

2136 days ago / Missy Wolf

During this year's Country Radio Seminar, I realized that one of my favorite people to speak with was not on my schedule of interviews. If you know me, you know that there are certain things that cannot happen. Not having Shane Owens on my schedule was definitely one of those...

Shane Owens, Where I'm Coming From, Debuts December 9, 2016

Shane Owens, Where I'm Coming From, Debuts December 9, 2016

2989 days ago / Laura Lou

Amerimonte Records recording artist, Shane Owens, is set to release his debut album on December 9, 2016, titled Where I’m Coming From. While you may wonder “who is this guy” or think “here is another self-labeled traditional country singer”, stop...

Carter Winter takes over Tin Roof in Louisville, Kentucky

Carter Winter takes over Tin Roof in Louisville, Kentucky

3009 days ago / Laura Lou

Carter Winter. If you have not heard that name by now you must be listening to your same, predictable playlist and not expanding out into the genre of “modern traditionalist” artists within the country music scene.  The first time I saw Winter perform, which was...