4 Matching Articles for "Love And Theft"
CRS50 with Missy: Southern Halo
One of my first interviews at the Country Radio Seminar was with the lovely sister trio Southern Halo. Sitting in their hotel suite at the Omni in Nashville to talk about their music was an amazing experience. Between the city lights behind us and the girls' stellar acoustic...
CRS 2018 with Laura: Haley Mae Campbell
The next artist I was able to catch up with during this year's Country Radio Seminar is one that you definitely need to know, Haley Mae Campbell. If you do not already have her music on your playlist, get ready, you will wonder why you have been missing out on this amazingly...
Press Release: Latest Release in Country Faith Series, Country Faith: Love Songs, available this Friday, January 26th
Latest Release in Country Faith Series, Country Faith: Love Songs, available this Friday, January 26th Features romantic songs from today’s leading Country stars, including Eric Paslay, The Judds, Tim McGraw, Randy Travis, Keith Urban, and more &n...
Love and Theft and Southern Halo Perform at Presidential Debate Event in Vegas
Stoney’s Rockin’ Country hosted a Presidential Debate event last night and featured two hot, young country bands: Southern Halo and Love and Theft – who are Radio Disney Country favorites and have chart active singles “Rewind” and “Candyland...