CRS 2020 with Missy: Smith & Wesley
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CRS50 with Missy: Smith & Wesley
Smith & Wesley definitely have a lot to be happy about as 2020 kicks into gear. From being awarded the Independent Artist Of The Year, releasing a new album in April, releasing their first single off that new album titled "Listen To The Radio", and gaining a new label and booking agent, they have a lot to celebrate and be thankful for.
As I caught up with brothers Scott and Todd Smith at this year's Country Radio Seminar, we were able to catch up on all of their current successes and exciting news. In addition, both Scott and Todd recalled their first experience at CRS and how they spent a lot of time introducing themselves as artists to others as they walked through the halls to now not being able to walk through the halls without stopping to say hello to the many friends they pass. Time definitely has a way of changing things, which is what led to the guys giving helpful advice to anyone who has a desire to make it in the music industry.
These days you can find Smith & Wesley keeping themselves busy and fans entertained in a variety of ways. From participating at events such as Bo's Extravaganza to celebrate the birthday of a friend and fellow artist John Schneider, helping to bring smiles to kids and their families through The Children's Miracle Network, or simply performing at a nearby show, fans are sure to enjoy all that these 2 brothers have to give.
If you are not yet following Smith & Wesley, please do so now. All of their links are located below. Be sure to watch our full conversation now too. Remember to give it a like and share to show them some love. ~Missy