CMA Fest 2018 with Missy: Sarah Lawton

by Missy Wolf / 2388 days ago / Comments

When country artist Sarah Lawton came walking up to our booth in the media center during CMA Fest, I could not help but smile. Her obvious excitement was contagious as I instantly felt energized and ready for our interview.

Eager to start our conversation, I embarrassingly stuttered as I tried to introduce her on camera. Thankfully, her bubbly and forgiving attitude allowed me to keep the camera rolling. 

Immediately taking notice of her EP cover for Sticks and Stones, Lawton quickly admitted that she is a "girly-girl" and her favorite color is pink. Embracing who you are and not being afraid to share that with the world is something to be admired. We then shared a few laughs before we began talking about her first experience at CMA Fest.

Explaining that she has always had gigs during the highly attended music festival, I was excited to learn what this experience had been like for her. From fan signings to performances, Lawton had a very busy schedule that allowed her to interact with many country music fans. As she shared what it was like to meet several of those fans, there was one moment in particular that stood out to Lawton. Watch our full conversation now to hear her describe that special fan encounter.

For more on Lawton and where you can find her, please visit her website and social media links below. Be sure to grab a copy of Sticks and Stones and remember to share her music with your friends. ~Missy


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About Missy Wolf

Missy Wolf Co-Founder, Editor, Journalist & Vice President of the American Country Music Association

From an early age I knew music and entertainment were in my blood. I have always been enamored with the idea of being in this industry, though I never wanted to be a front and center "Star". Taking the audience behind the scenes for up close conversations with the artists they love is where I want to be. Life in lyrics has always been my style, so as my favorite country artist Wade Hayes sings, I am living my life and chasing my dreams! Conducting interviews, meeting talented people and sharing stories and adventure are my passion. My new favorite hashtag is #iaskyouanswer, so stay tuned for more interviews, articles and adventures!