Olivia is More Than Good Enough

by Ellen Ann / 2826 days ago / Comments

Olivia Vella is an internet sensation. Her video, Why am I Not Good Enough, has gone viral in only a few days.  It has been seen by millions of people across the world.  She is not a famous movie star, singer, actress, comedian, or politician.  She is a "normal" just-turned 13-year-old girl with a powerful message.  Her message is relevant to each and every one of us.  While she focuses on the trials and tribulations of being a middle school student, the issues she discusses impact adults as well.  Many of us felt the same way Vella does when we were in school.  Some of us still do as adults.

I was welcomed into their home on a Friday afternoon.  Vella’s mother, Molly, is as sweet as can be and obviously a dedicated supporter of Vella.  While this notoriety has caused some disruption to the family, with news reporters from local TV stations, among others, asking for interviews, the Vella family has stayed true to themselves.  When I got to their home, Olivia and her three younger brothers were sitting at the dining room table eating ice cream.  They were not even fazed when yet some other stranger knocked on their door.  I, on the other hand, felt bad for interrupting their treat.

This all started with a classroom assignment; the final one for the school year.  The students were told to write about something they feel passionate about.  Vella immediately knew what she was going to write.  The other part of the assignment was to present their poem to the class.  Click here to watch her presentation.

As soon as I watched the video for the first time on Facebook, I knew I had to talk to Vella.  She is eloquent and straight to the point.  She touched my heart.  She knew my feelings.  Her message needs to be shown to all children and adults.  There is a lesson about respect and self-worth in her message.  There is a message that not all bullying is physical. Yet there is hope in her message.  Hope for a better, healthier, happier world.  That may feel like a huge task for such a young lady, but it is all in there.  Please watch and share her video.  Let us all be as courageous as Vella.  If her poem helps even one person get in touch with their own feelings and enables them to talk to someone and work through those feelings, imagine how much happier and better humanity can become.  Yes, I do believe it is possible. Enjoy ~ Ellen Ann   


Special Thanks to Queen Creek Middle School and the Queen Creek Unified School District for all the assistance they gave me and Center Stage Magazine. It is greatly appreciated.


About Ellen Ann

Ellen Ann Journalist

I grew up in Philadelphia which is rich in the culture of music and arts. I played the cello for 3 years in elementary school and for a short time I was a part of the Philadelphia Children's Orchestra. I believe every home should have a piano whether anyone plays it or not. Someone will almost always try to learn and there is always a friend or relative who will just sit down and play. I enjoy most music, live theater, and live comedy. Music brings back memories, soothes the soul, changes my mood and outlook. Sometimes all it takes is a favorite song to make the day beautiful! I now live in the Phoenix, AZ area where I am a not-so-boring accountant. I try to make time to travel, explore the area where I live, the music and arts in the southwest, and just, in general, learn who I really am and who I want to be.