Kobra and the Lotus "Prevail I" Album Review

by John Tedeski / 2867 days ago / Comments

Hard Rock / Metal / Power Metal all rolled into one dynamic package hailing from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, otherwise known as Kobra and the Lotus. I recall not long ago seeing this name on a bill that was coming through Pittsburgh, PA and thinking to myself is this an actual band name or some sideshow attraction, well they are not a sideshow attraction but a major force to be reckoned with.

At one point in my last review, I made mention that I was not a fan of females fronting metal bands as they just cannot bring it as a male can. I then followed that up by saying “never say never” and I am very glad that I made that small but powerful statement as once again I have been proven wrong and have discovered, for myself, my new favorite female vocalist in one Kobra Paige as she dominates every aspect of the latest from KOBRA AND THE LOTUS, Prevail I – produced by Jacob Hansen (Volbeat, Amaranthe and Epica) and mastered by Ted Jensen, Grammy award winning engineer. Prevail I is actually the forth full-length studio album from KOBRA AND THE LOTUS with one being an EP of cover songs.

Every track on Prevail I is over-the-top and seems to tell the continual story from beginning to end about how we enter this world in pure innocence and seem to transgress, through individual battles as our life’s journey unfolds. From a recent interview here is what Paige had to say about Prevail I.

 “When we are born, we are innocent, pure, and unshaped. This mandala signifies a human at the beginning of its journey. Unscathed and beautiful, the mandala is each and every one of us. As this album unfolds, you will notice it's more than just music. Prevail I is a story of visceral truth and I believe, if we're really being honest with ourselves, everyone will find their story within it. After all, the battles may differ, but we all started as the same mandala and we are more relatable than we'd like to admit. Our only wish is that you may enjoy the freaking crap out of this album and find comfort in realizing you’re not alone."

Without over-exaggerating, in less than one 24 hour period I have listened to Prevail I no less than 6 complete trips through and I am currently working on trip number 7 as I write this review. The album is fresh with the perfect mix of hard rock, metal and power metal, coupled with great songwriting and shining musical moments while the cementing effect of Paige’s storytelling and alluring vocals pull it all together to make a stunning masterpiece. Just a side note: Paige is every bit as alluring as her vocals.

Track List:
1. Gotham

2. Triggerpulse

3. You Don’t Know

4. Specimen X (The Mortal Chamber)

5. Light Me Up

6. Manifest Destiny

7. Victim

8. Check The Phyrg

9. Hell On Earth

10. Prevail

Word on the street is that the next release from KOBRA AND THE LOTUS will be a continuation of Prevail I amply tilted Prevail II. I cannot wait, although I have to.

If you are a fan of hard rock, metal and power metal and don’t mind a female blasting out the lead vocals then do yourself a favor and get yourself a copy of Prevail I in whatever format you desire and tell all of your friends about it as well. Check out their social media sites, check out their videos, support the band and go see them live if they are anywhere close; that is on my bucket list for sure.

Prevail I scores a perfect 10 out of 10 without question. I guess females have decided to step up where males have slipped up and brought back metal the way metal used to be and should be, pure, raw and in your face.

Horns Up ~ JT


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About John Tedeski

John Tedeski Journalist

I’ve been a musician since the age of 7 when my parents bought me my first drum set. By the age of 16, I was playing the local bar scene. I’ve played around the east coast, and in 1994, through those travels is how I met Founding member of Center Stage Magazine, Tommy Lemon as we were both auditioning for the same band in the Boston Massachusetts area and we’ve been friends ever since. Through the years I’ve met a lot of great musicians such as Vinny Paul (Pantera), Bill Leverty (Firehouse), Ace Frehley (KISS), Marc Ferrari (Keel), Bobby Dall (Poison), and even got to share the stage with Jaime St. James (Black ‘N Blue) and Billy Morris (Warrant), just to name a few. Unfortunately, life had a different path in store for me other than being a full-time musician, yet I’ve been blessed to still be able to play on the weekends with some great local talent. Here I am now with another huge blessing, still within the music world, but this time as a journalist for Center Stage Magazine where I get to talk with and interview musicians who do what I have always longed to do. It’s all good and much less hassle than having to lug my drums all around the country. Rock Out, Roll On & Follow Your Heart ...