Declassified with JT: Freddie Nelson - Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist

by John Tedeski / 2863 days ago / Comments

Freddie Nelson – Singer / Songwriter / Guitarist

When one thinks of vocal greats a few names immediately come to mind - Elvis Presley, Freddy Mercury, Jeff Lynne, Steven Tyler and even Robin Zander, yet one name that is not on that list, one name that I believe soon will be is Pittsburgh, PA native Freddie Nelson.

I had the pleasure of chatting with Nelson on the phone mainly about the much-anticipated release of his solo album Shake The Cage which is set for a July 7, 2017, worldwide release. However, the world will get a preview of what is to come as the first single “Hey Doll” is set to hit the airwaves on May 12, 2017. Nelson discussed how the album came together, how he acquired the drumming talents of world renowned drummer Thomas Lang, and where he expects to tour in support of Shake The Cage and much more.

This was a special interview for yours truly as Nelson and I have been friends for close to thirty years and regardless of the success that he has garnered through the years he has never let that change who he is as a person and as a friend and that is a rarity in the music world. To drive home my point, Nelson was kind enough to allow me first dibs on an interview, an entire week ahead of when the rest of his interviews are scheduled to begin, and he also gave me a backdoor pass in order to test drive Shake The Cage in its entirety. "Wow" would be an understatement. Be on the lookout for an in-depth review of the album immediately upon its release. I believe I am just as excited as Nelson for the world to hear this masterpiece, a long overdue, pure, unadulterated rock and roll record. It is time for me to go press play and listen to Shake The Cage once again and it is time for all of you to go press play on the interview above, you will be glad that you did.

Photo Credits:

Frank Vilsack – Lead Photo

Tara Bennett – All Other Photos 


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About John Tedeski

John Tedeski Journalist

I’ve been a musician since the age of 7 when my parents bought me my first drum set. By the age of 16, I was playing the local bar scene. I’ve played around the east coast, and in 1994, through those travels is how I met Founding member of Center Stage Magazine, Tommy Lemon as we were both auditioning for the same band in the Boston Massachusetts area and we’ve been friends ever since. Through the years I’ve met a lot of great musicians such as Vinny Paul (Pantera), Bill Leverty (Firehouse), Ace Frehley (KISS), Marc Ferrari (Keel), Bobby Dall (Poison), and even got to share the stage with Jaime St. James (Black ‘N Blue) and Billy Morris (Warrant), just to name a few. Unfortunately, life had a different path in store for me other than being a full-time musician, yet I’ve been blessed to still be able to play on the weekends with some great local talent. Here I am now with another huge blessing, still within the music world, but this time as a journalist for Center Stage Magazine where I get to talk with and interview musicians who do what I have always longed to do. It’s all good and much less hassle than having to lug my drums all around the country. Rock Out, Roll On & Follow Your Heart ...