Dune Rats - 'The Kids Will Know It's Bullshit'

by Jaide Alicia / 2955 days ago / Comments

Australian pop-punk trio the Dune Rats say The Kids Will Know It’s Bullshit with their sophomore release. The Kids Will Know It’s Bullshit can be described as an album with lyrics soaked in alcohol and ultimately reeking with the stench of youthful rebellion.

After listening to 11 undeniably risqué tracks, I found myself having flashbacks to summer nights- out at the beach with all my friends, doing things that 18-year-olds should not be doing which may or may not have led to running from the law. These lighthearted and adventurous times mimic the Dunies release in entirety. For example, “Six Pack” is reminiscent of the joy that’s washed over a group of teenagers when they manage to get their hands on some alcohol, even if it is just a six pack of beer that someone’s brother bought them.

Among the celebration of youth is simple yet pounding drums and about three bass chords that drive you through the album. Executed by Danny Beusa (guitar/vocals), BC Michaels (drums) and Brett Dransch (bass), The Kids Will Know It’s Bullshit is about as straight forward as possible- "we’re gonna do what we want, and we don’t give a shit about your opinion of it".

Another stand out track is “Buzz-kill”, because there is just something about the lyric “fuck me, fuck you and your attitude” that resonates with my 18-year-old mind. “Bullshit” is titular to the album, and for the right reason. “Bullshit”, as a track, is practically the theme of this record- life’s a party and what anyone else has to say about it is, well, bullshit.

In just over thirty minutes The Kids Will Know It’s Bullshit will cure any case of angst through its exemplification of a blithe disregard for responsibilities and overall carefree attitude.    


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About Jaide Alicia

Jaide Alicia Journalist

For as long as I can remember music has been my entire life. Due to starting my own website about music, my life has turned into a total dream come true. I've been able to interview some of my life idols and make great friends within the industry- something I thought was a complete long shot. On top of music, I went to a great cosmetology school for one year, and although I never finished the curriculum (because I decided music was a better way to spend my time) I still learned a ton about the industry, which has given me the opportunity to write about hair and beauty on many other platforms. I do the best I can to make my family and myself proud, and the best part of my life is seeing what the future has in store.