Oh What a Night with Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons

“Oh, what a night, late-December 1963”; actually December 10, 2016, but still what a night. 82 year old Frankie Valli brought his newest generation of Four Seasons to the Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona. While looking fairly frail, and walking slowly with a bit of a limp, Valli brought the house down with many of his famous songs. Surprisingly, he can still hit most of those high notes also.
Valli’s two hour long performance included huge hits such as “Grease”, “Who Loves You”, “Sherry”, “Working My Way Back to You”, “Stay”, and “Let’s Hang On.” He did a beautiful rendition of “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You”, and “My Eyes Adored You”. What was not included in the show was an intermission. I found this to be amazing considering Valli’s age.
After Valli introduced his band and dancers, he deadpanned, “I’m just a Jersey boy” which drew many cheers from the audience. Of course he was referencing the hit play and movie Jersey Boys, the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. He also thanked everyone for making Jersey Boys the success that it is. The truth is it would not be a success without Frankie Valli, his original band, and the fantastic music they wrote and recorded. I have not seen the movie, but I loved the play. I definitely recommend seeing either one to any Four Seasons fan.
Valli told us the first concert he attended as a young boy was Frank Sinatra. He was heavily influenced by Sinatra. Their style of music is certainly different though. In line with that thinking, who would have thought that Arizona resident, Alice Cooper, would be a Four Seasons fan? Yes, Alice Cooper was in the audience. Talk about differences in musical styles. Just goes to show you how the music of the 60’s has influenced so many generations.
Romancing the 60’s, Valli’s newest CD is now available. One lucky woman in the audience was given a copy by Valli himself. Oh what a night.
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About Ellen Ann

I grew up in Philadelphia which is rich in the culture of music and arts. I played the cello for 3 years in elementary school and for a short time I was a part of the Philadelphia Children's Orchestra. I believe every home should have a piano whether anyone plays it or not. Someone will almost always try to learn and there is always a friend or relative who will just sit down and play. I enjoy most music, live theater, and live comedy. Music brings back memories, soothes the soul, changes my mood and outlook. Sometimes all it takes is a favorite song to make the day beautiful! I now live in the Phoenix, AZ area where I am a not-so-boring accountant. I try to make time to travel, explore the area where I live, the music and arts in the southwest, and just, in general, learn who I really am and who I want to be.