Conversations with Missy: Josie Passantino

by Missy Wolf / 3261 days ago / Comments

At 14 years old, most girls are thinking about boys, school and being social. This was not the case for the owner of the Josie Network, Josie Passantino. Together with some friends in 2009, Passantino started a radio show. Quickly realizing it was a lot of work to maintain, Passantino continued the radio show on her own.

To date, this remarkable young woman has conducted over 550 interviews on her radio show. Her love for independent artists shows. This now 21-year-old is also the host of a lavish music awards show every year in Nashville, Tennessee. The Josie Show award show is one of the biggest nights for independent artists. With 30 performances and 60 awards presented inside a beautiful theater, September 18, 2016, is sure to be an exciting night for all. Yes, Center Stage Magazine will be there along with many familiar faces we have interviewed.

During my conversation with Passantino, she explained her love for the work she is doing and her desire to do more. This young and very successful business owner is also a gifted singer/songwriter. Listen as she tells me what it has been like for her learning how to properly write music and songs at an early age. She is definitely ahead of the game.

Passantino is about to record her second single, “Practice Boyfriend.” As she described the song’s message to me, I was immediately impressed. Following her debut single “Teenage Girl”, this new single is sure to grab the attention of many across the globe. Her songs are relatable to many young women which have been gaining her several fans.

Please be sure to check out all her ventures such as Country Blast Radio. This girl has blown my mind with how much she has accomplished at such a young age. We can all learn a thing or two from this young woman. Follow her on social media and share her work with all you know. ~Missy


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About Missy Wolf

Missy Wolf Co-Founder, Editor, Journalist & Vice President of the American Country Music Association

From an early age I knew music and entertainment were in my blood. I have always been enamored with the idea of being in this industry, though I never wanted to be a front and center "Star". Taking the audience behind the scenes for up close conversations with the artists they love is where I want to be. Life in lyrics has always been my style, so as my favorite country artist Wade Hayes sings, I am living my life and chasing my dreams! Conducting interviews, meeting talented people and sharing stories and adventure are my passion. My new favorite hashtag is #iaskyouanswer, so stay tuned for more interviews, articles and adventures!