Sasha George A Private Book Signing

by Dilly Brigs / 3187 days ago / Comments

It was a stormy morning the day I was privy to an audio phone interview with author/artist/producer Sasha George. She revealed to me her big news of the birth of a new fantasy series full of wizards and fairies, kings and guardsmen, and the chaos of good vs evil, called Realm.

Having now ordered and read Realm for myself, I can most definitely say it is full of enticement. I was flipping through the pages quickly, hoping to hurry and find out what happens. Each page had me anticipating the next. Now I understand why her loyal fans are so eager and steadfast on saying, "hurry" with the release of the next volume in this series of novels. I myself have now uttered these very words to Mrs. George when I was not only lucky enough to meet with her, but was honored with an actual invitation to her home. We had never met prior to this book signing.

Her graciousness shined through from the moment she greeted me at her front door. Her house is beautiful. She painted her house herself, which was no surprise as she is an artist. The surprise came when she said she painted it herself because she actually comes from a family of painters but knew she could just do it herself, so she did. She is very down to earth.

I was also greeted by her precious little daughter. I made sure to bring a pack of lifesavers candies for her. They were hidden in the little flower bouquet that I surprised her mom with. During our interview, Sasha surprised me by embedding my child as a flower character in her children's autism awareness book, so I had to return the kind gesture. I stopped for flowers before going over and since I am a mom myself, I know the deal of meeting a new friend. Yes, I bribed her child with candy for acceptance right off the bat, and it worked. She accepted me into her home and  had no problem allowing me to speak with her mom. She was just adorable.

The three of us sat at the kitchen table, the little one doing her own thing while George and I sipped coffee and got acquainted. Not long into our conversation, I realized I once again felt as if I was one of her long time fans being pulled into her enchanting personality. She was very sweet and kind with a soft-spoken voice, yet her humorous side showed and we laughed easily. In fact, we laughed so much and connected so well with our similar backgrounds in writing and our connection to the special needs world, that by the time our morning coffee visit was over, we realized we forgot all about her book signing. This was the reason I was there in the first place. I was also there to finally meet this wonderful person face to face.

Quickly we spread out the handful of Flower Friend books along with one of her Dan's World books and she was gracious enough to sign each book with an individual message. Then she personally autographed and added a special note to her amazingly intriguing, new and already popular first book in her fantasy series, Realm. Check out the pictures we took while she signed and see how sweet she was in doing so.

This is Dilly Brigs and I have to say, being invited to a private book signing with this amazing author/artist/producer blew me away. I know I experienced something most fans only dream of and I am truly grateful for this marvelous opportunity. Thank you so much for all you do to add to our creative community, and for having such an open heart for all. You are truly wonderful.


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About Dilly Brigs

Dilly Brigs Journalist

I am a Funny Cali girl, who grew up being part of a band family of friends (VISITOR) since I was a teen, so I'm no stranger when it comes to the music scene. Though I've held many job titles from, certified florist to writing pitches for sales companies, my career goals changed when I became a mother to a child affected with Autism and Epilepsy. I have since turned my hobby of seeing, sanity saving entertainment and my love of writing into a career. I studied and earned my writing degree with the Institute Of Children's Literature in West Redding, CT.  and later I was recommended and offered the opportunity to continue my studies with their sister school, The Long Ridge Writers Group, also in West Redding, CT. learning to write in adult genre as well. I am proud to now be a writer for Center Stage Magazine and I look forward to bringing the best of the entertainment scene to you.... Our awesome readers, who make this all possible! Thanks for reading