Conversations with Missy: Josh Goodlett
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CMA Fest Artist Spotlight: Josh Goodlett
Imagine growing up on a tobacco farm. Getting up before the sun and feeding the calves before school is hard work. Most kids will never know that kind of life or the values that come with it at such an early age. Lucky for Josh Goodlett, learning the value of hard work as a child has certainly paid off. During our on-camera conversation, Goodlett revealed what it was really like to experience working on a tobacco farm. Sometimes I learn some pretty interesting things during these conversations.
Goodlett and I spoke about what it is like being an artist with a desire to keep it real. Singing songs that are relatable to his fans is important to him. Where did his passion for music come from? He has been singing since before he could talk, though what was it that led to him pursue music as a career? Growing up singing in the church choir on Sunday mornings was a normal part of his life, was it the reason for his career choice? Watch our conversation to discover what drove Goodlett to move people with his music.
Goodlett co-writes many of his original songs with one of Nashville’s best, Bobby E. Boyd (Alabama, Rascal Flatts). Boyd is again part of Goodlett’s newest single, “I Don’t Usually Do This” (written by Bobby E. Boyd, Brad Wolf, Phillip Moore). This song is reminiscent of Goodlett himself. He explained why during our conversation. As a special treat, he played this song in an acoustic performance just for us.
Influenced by Kenny Chesney, Elvis, AC/DC, and Bob Marley, Goodlett brings outstanding music to his fans. His love for good music in all genres allow him to be more creative with his songwriting. His ability to see his life and put it into songs for all to hear is remarkable. Standing up for what he believes in and bringing real music that moves people to the table is why I have no doubts that Goodlett will go far in this business. His personality and passion for life are inspiring.
Goodlett has had the privilege of sharing the stage with Andy Griggs, Bryan White, Marty Brown and more along with opening for acts such as Tyler Farr and Kip Moore. Gaining fans at each performance is inevitable. Fans gravitate to Goodlett because of his exceptional personality. He is personable and as real as it gets. His love for God, his family and country are undeniable. This father of five still has a few things to learn, however, as I was surprised to hear that he had no idea what Snapchat is. Watch our entire conversation to learn how you can be a part of the Snapchat journey with Goodlett and Center Stage Magazine.
Follow Goodlett on Social media. Download his latest single “I Don’t Usually Do This”, and send him your feedback. Now, enjoy his special performance after watching our conversation. ~Missy