On The Spot Talk: In Your Face with Doll Skin

by Dilly Brigs / 2999 days ago / Comments

Seriously, they were in your face, just like their CD says.This hot all girl Punk Band, Doll Skin, will drop your jaw. They are young, pretty and in your face raw. No wonder David Ellefson, Bass player and manager for Megadeth, has signed them to EMP Label Group (Ellefson Music Productions) and is making the rounds promoting them.

Just arriving off Shiprock this very morning in Florida, where they had been performing with major bands then at NAMM, the girls of EMP now opened as a signed band for Schecter Guitar Research Indie NAMM Party at the Juke Joint Bar and Grill in Downtown Anaheim, California. 

I attended this NAMM after-party on January 22, 2016. I already had an interview set up with another hard nose Metal Band, 12 Gauge Embrace, but I arrived early just to catch Doll Skin perform in hopes of snagging an, On The Spot Talk segment for the magazine.

Side shaved, green haired, Sydney Dolezal (vocals), was up in our faces. She literally jumped off the stage into the crowd and was up in our personal quarters, with a wild, raised look on her face making sure we heard her ability to sing like the best of the punks. Cute, pink, pixie cut, bassist, Nicole Rich had a lot of bad-ass bounce to her set. Long, blue/black, wild hair, Alex Snowden (guitars) was jamming out hard and laying down some heavy tracks, as little Red (long bright red haired and seriously little) Megan Herring (drummer) kicked ass on the beats. They were thumping hard and fast in the background, making our feet shake from underneath. She is so tiny. They all are, actually. Herring, being the tiniest of the four, might not have been seen if it was not for the fast booms and whirling, wild strands of red hair flying about in the background. All good things come in small packages right?

As they got the crowd moving in towards the stage, which as a new opening band can be hard to do, I could tell people were feeling their raw, grunge, punk-rock vibe. I overheard one pierced face female patron comment on how tiny they are. She felt as if they were little "Polly Pocket Dolls" that she just wanted to place in her pocket. I laughed as I turned to agree and said, "Yes, they are ridiculously adorable and tiny." When they open their mouths and wail away on their gear, they show they can hold their own. They proved to this music appreciator and patron, Doll Skin definitely belonged and had a right to be there. 

I knew that securing an interview with them would be an awesome add, but little did I know I would be meeting a Metal Music Icon and getting to talk shop, so to speak, with him. Getting introduced to Ellefson was definitely a bucket list and memorable moment for me. I really enjoyed watching his girls and figured Center Stage Magazine readers would like them just as much. Ellefson agreed to leave two of his girls with me for an audio interview, Herring and Rich. While he and the other two girls, Dolezal and Snowden had a prior engagement to attend to. That engagement? The Revolver Party.

Listen to our audio with Doll Skin to hear both Herring and Rich tell their wild, whirlwind, sweep-up experience, from winning the Battle Of the Bands two years in a row at the Arizona School of Rock (Ellefson was a judge and his son had told him about Doll Skin), to being signed and managed by EMP Label Group.

I am Dilly Brigs and I think you, our loyal Center Stage Magazine readers, will enjoy hearing them too. They Rocked.


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About Dilly Brigs

Dilly Brigs Journalist

I am a Funny Cali girl, who grew up being part of a band family of friends (VISITOR) since I was a teen, so I'm no stranger when it comes to the music scene. Though I've held many job titles from, certified florist to writing pitches for sales companies, my career goals changed when I became a mother to a child affected with Autism and Epilepsy. I have since turned my hobby of seeing, sanity saving entertainment and my love of writing into a career. I studied and earned my writing degree with the Institute Of Children's Literature in West Redding, CT.  and later I was recommended and offered the opportunity to continue my studies with their sister school, The Long Ridge Writers Group, also in West Redding, CT. learning to write in adult genre as well. I am proud to now be a writer for Center Stage Magazine and I look forward to bringing the best of the entertainment scene to you.... Our awesome readers, who make this all possible! Thanks for reading