Conversations with Missy: Jeremy Arroyo

by Missy Wolf / 3293 days ago / Comments

For some, making others laugh is what life is all about. Being a comedian, however, is not always an easy gig. There are expectations. People want to laugh. People need to laugh. People pay to laugh. The pressure to give the people what they pay for is high. Lucky for Jeremy Arroyo, he is a natural and has a knack for making people roar with laughter.

I am never sure how my conversations with these artists are going to go, and this one was no different. Was he going to be serious? Was he going to make me laugh and unable to focus? You will have to listen to our full conversation to find out!

Jeremy is from Fort Wayne, Indiana. He started his career in comedy while living in Chicago. We briefly spoke about how he got his start as a comedian, and the stress he felt while performing in front of those who are close to him. I learned a lot about this very talented and funny man and his family. He even shared stories about how the holidays in his family go.

Jeremy is often compared to comedian, Stephen Wright. His joke delivery is very similar and I just found myself laughing the entire time I watched his video. If you want to laugh even more I suggest you follow him on twitter. It is sure to make you smile even on a rough day! Smile, love and laugh everyday. ~Missy


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About Missy Wolf

Missy Wolf Co-Founder, Editor, Journalist & Vice President of the American Country Music Association

From an early age I knew music and entertainment were in my blood. I have always been enamored with the idea of being in this industry, though I never wanted to be a front and center "Star". Taking the audience behind the scenes for up close conversations with the artists they love is where I want to be. Life in lyrics has always been my style, so as my favorite country artist Wade Hayes sings, I am living my life and chasing my dreams! Conducting interviews, meeting talented people and sharing stories and adventure are my passion. My new favorite hashtag is #iaskyouanswer, so stay tuned for more interviews, articles and adventures!