Say Hello to The Springs

by Missy Wolf / 3455 days ago / Comments

With all of the country music that is out there, I wanted to introduce you to a band that is quite frankly one of the BEST! The Springs are both talented and extremely kind to their fans. Their story is real and they love all of their fans. I often see them interacting with fans on their facebook and twitter. They have allowed people to watch their love for one another grow, as well as included fans in their career. They always have surprises and are continuously giving praise to their fans. It has been such a pleasure getting to know these two remarkable individuals. Here is my interview with them to help you get to know them! Enjoy ~Missy Wolf


Missy: For those who may not know you or may not know your story, Please tell us who you are. (Where did you meet?, How did you meet?, Was there an immediate connection?, etc.)

The Springs: "We are a duo BOTH originally from Alabama. Holly is from New Market, AL (right outside of Huntsville and I am from Enterprise, AL. We met in Nashville, TN playing a writers round at the world famous Bluebird Cafe. We knew we had something special when we started writing songs together. We just clicked." –Stewart

Missy: How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard it? 

The Springs: 'A little bit of Jason Aldean mixed in with some Carrie Underwood and stirred together with Lady Antebellum." ­Holly


Missy: What themes are your songs about?

The Springs: "Our songs are about our real life situations. 8 of the 12 songs on our new album we either wrote or co-­wrote. This is our first album together so it really describes mine and Stewarts "dating" and "falling in love" years along with some other life experiences we have each went through." Holly


Missy: Do you write your own songs?

The Springs: "Yes, we wrote 8 out of the 12 on our brand new album that we will release in June of this year.


Missy: What artist would you like to collaborate with and why?

The Springs: "I would collaborate with Garth Brooks. I've listened to him since I was a little boy. He's so creative and talented." Stewart "I would love to collaborate with LeeAnn Womack. Her voice is pure country extremely soulful. I just love her." ­Holly


Missy: Who are your musical influences?

The Springs: "Mine would probably be Garth Brooks, Brad Paisley and Conway Twitty." ­Stewart

"Mine would be LeeAnn Womack, Trisha Yearwood and LeAnn Rimes." ­Holly


Missy: What 3 artists would you like to be compared to?

The Springs: "Holly gets compared to Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert A LOT! I get compared to Mark Wills and Garth Brooks a lot as well ha­ha!" ­-Stewart


Missy: What would your dream performance be? (Where, with whom?)

The Springs: "Wow, that is a tough one. You know I would LOVE to perform with Little Big Town. Their vocals and presence on stage is just breath­taking. I think that would be a DREAM! ha­ha!" ­Holly


Missy: So far what has your most memorable performance been?

The Springs: "We really enjoyed opening for Florida Georgia Line. That was probably the most memorable. They put on a fantastic show and brought about 75,000 to Riverbend in Chattanooga when we opened for them." ­-Stewart


Missy: Have you had any embarrassing moments on stage? if so, do you mind sharing it now?

The Springs: "Ha­ha I have one. It's not me, its Stewart ha­ha. Stewart always wears SUPER tight pants. Well he loves to jump on chair during some of our performances so at one show he jumped a little to high and ripped his pants. It was HILARIOUS ha­ha" ­Holly


Missy: If you have ever made a mistake during a performance, how have you handled it?

The Springs: "We ALWAYS forget the lyrics to some of our songs. The best way to handle it is to hold the mic and let the crowd sing the song with you ha­ha then we just pick right back up!" ­-Stewart


Missy: Do you still get nervous before a show, or did you ever? What do you do to calm down? 

The Springs: "We wouldn't be human if we didn't get nervous ha­ha! ALWAYS!! We give each other a kiss, say a prayer and know that God has this in control and whatever HE wants to happen well, that's how it's going to happen!" ­Holly


Missy: As a Band together, what is your long term goal? What is your immediate goal?

The Springs: "Long ­term is to make our fans happy and keep gaining them and KEEPING them. Fans are our #1 priority. If they’re not happy, no one’s happy. Immediate is to just keep writing, pushing and sharing our music and eventually being good enough for someone to want to sign us!" ­Stewart


Missy: Have you ever faced rejection?

The Springs: "Oh YES! Many, many, many times a DAY ha­ha! This is a business. So of course in any business you will ALWAYS have rejection no matter WHO YOU ARE!" -­Holly


Missy: What keeps you driven? I have seen so many people that do not seem to have something that drives them and they struggle. Is there one thing that just keeps you going?

The Springs: "FANS! As we said earlier they are our #1 priority. Without them we would be nothing. We wouldn't have a job! We love our fans. They have definitely changed out life for the better!" ­Stewart


Missy: Have there been any life experiences that have motivated or inspired you to help others? Explain.

The Springs: "My high school was hit by a tornado in March of 2007. I lost quite a few of my friends in the tornado that day. I wrote my first song after that and since then I have realized how much impact music and lyrics can have on someone’s life. That whole situation has inspired me SO much through my career." ­-Stewart


Missy: Holly, while auditioning for the Voice, how did you feel? What did you learn from that experience? Has it changed your approach to accomplishing your goals?

The Springs: "I was nervous for sure. There are SO many other talented people with you its INSANE. I learned that no matter how good you are or bad you are everyone’s there to support you and your all going through the same thing. It was like a family. It has changed my approach for sure. I see music in a different light now. Being able to sing is important but also being able to talk in front of a camera and having a great attitude can get you a long way in this business." -Holly


Missy: What is the best advice you have been given as an artist? Who gave you that advice?

The Springs: "We opened up for Craig Morgan a year or so back and I asked him what advice would he give me. He said "Always be nice to people on your way up, because you will want them to be nice to you on your way down." I thought WOW, that is SO true!" ­-Stewart


Missy: What can we expect from you next? (Music video, tour dates, new album, single, etc.)

The Springs: "We are already booking for 2015 and working on some new venues. We are working on writing right now for a brand new EP that we will come out with next Summer. We have some other exciting things in the works next year also ;)" -­Holly


Missy: On a serious note...How do you feel about selling music online? Does it bother you that people have downloaded music illegally?

The Springs: "We love selling music online. iTunes, Amazon, Cd Baby e.t.c. It does stink when someone can download your music that you worked so hard to write and record for FREE BUT as Stewart always tell me life is not fair and it never will be so that's something we just have to live with." -­Holly


Missy: Do you prefer digital music, CD or Vinyl?

The Springs: "Anytime a new CD comes out I go buy it in the store! I love having a copy of it in my hand and being able to see all the writers on each song." ­-Stewart


Missy: How do you balance your Music with your everyday life and obligations? Are your friends and family supportive?

The Springs: "Oh my goodness, honestly we could not ask for more supportive friends and family. Balancing our life is tough because we have SO much going on. But, with God in our life, our family and friends, we feel that we can accomplish anything." -­Holly


Missy: Who does one contact to book you? :)

The Springs: "You can contact our manager from our website. Our website is, click at the top where it says Contact and you can call or email him. Thanks so much for giving us this opportunity. You can let everyone know also that they can download 7 FREE songs on our website right now at 


Thanks so much!


Stewart & Holly (The Springs)


Follow The Springs  

About Missy Wolf

Missy Wolf Co-Founder, Editor, Journalist & Vice President of the American Country Music Association

From an early age I knew music and entertainment were in my blood. I have always been enamored with the idea of being in this industry, though I never wanted to be a front and center "Star". Taking the audience behind the scenes for up close conversations with the artists they love is where I want to be. Life in lyrics has always been my style, so as my favorite country artist Wade Hayes sings, I am living my life and chasing my dreams! Conducting interviews, meeting talented people and sharing stories and adventure are my passion. My new favorite hashtag is #iaskyouanswer, so stay tuned for more interviews, articles and adventures!