Another Century Invades the Roxy

I love going to see concerts on the Sunset Strip in beautiful Hollywood, California. There is so much history there when it comes to rock ‘n’ roll. A lot of bands that have made it in the music industry started out in venues like the Whiskey A Go Go and the Viper Room. Some of those groups include Guns ‘N’ Roses, The Doors, Mötley Crüe, and Van Halen. My favorite venue to go to in Hollywood is the famous Roxy Theatre. I have seen many great acts there like Jason Newstead and Trivium. On Thursday, September 8, 2016, photographer Matt Martinez and I saw two great acts rock out Los Angeles: Gemini Syndrome and Stitched Up Heart. Wrapping up their tour with 9Electric, this was a special show for both bands because hailing from Los Angeles, this was like a homecoming show for them. From what I saw, the fans were very welcoming.
After 9Electric wrapped up their set, Stitched Up Heart took to the stage with great anticipation. Led by front woman Alecia "Mixi" Demner, the band showed me why I fell in love with them. I first met them at the Loaded bar in Hollywood back in 2014. They were doing a show with Blindfold the Devil and City of the Weak. When they performed, I was blown away by their musicianship and songs. At the Roxy, it was obvious that has not changed. They were performing songs from their debut LP, Never Alone. This is a fantastic record that sounds even better when played live with songs like “Encore” and “Event Horizon.” Drummer James Decker is just unbelievable with his ultra cool drum kicks. There were awesome bass beats from Randy Mathias III and guitarist Merritt Goodwin is a fabulous player who sounded amazing that night. I got to watch guitarist Nick Bedrosian, who is new to the group, play rhythm guitar like a pro. The best part was Mixi and her angelic vocals mixed with her magnetism.
Mixi channeled her inner Steven Tyler by bending to her knees while reaching the ground. She knows how to draw a crowd and get them involved with the show. When they performed their final song “Monster,” she started crowd surfing. The crowd was in awe, helping her return to the stage (I helped as well). Stitched Up Heart put on a great performance. I have not seen them in two years and they are still great.
After the astounding performance by Stitched Up Heart, the main attraction of the tour came out: Gemini Syndrome. Having interviewed frontman Aaron Nordstrom and reviewed the new album Memento Mori, I had to witness how good these guys were live. They did not disappoint me. Nordstrom is a master at his craft, astonishing me with his powerful voice. He sounds just as good live as he does on record. His fans, who call themselves "Synners", sang to their fantastic songs like “Mourning Star” and “Falling Apart.” Nordstrom has written powerful material that sounds outstanding. There is so much vulnerability in his voice that the Synners feel what he feels. My favorite song they performed was “Anonymous,” off their new album. The band sounded great on stage, especially from the twin guitar attacks by new players Daniel Sahagún and Charles Lee Salvaggio. The fans loved the riffs that were executed that night. Bassist Alessandro "AP" Paveri played some thunderous bass riffs. I was head banging so intensely that I ended up getting whiplash. I especially loved to watch drummer Brian Steele Medina do his thing. He was fun, moving like a robot that beat the drums with purpose. Ending with their classic “Stardust,” Gemini Syndrome has shown me that they are the future of progressive metal.
After a night like that, I went home a happy man. Both groups put on kick-ass rock ‘n’ roll performances. From Mixi crowd surfing to mosh pits created during the Gemini Syndrome set list, I was happy that I attended. Not only did I watch a superb show, I got to meet several other artists from Another Century Media. From Heidi Shephard of the Butcher Babies to Ashley “Ash” Costello of New Year’s Day to Jacob Bunton of Lynam and Adler all coming out to support these two bands, this was no mere concert. This was a party.
Martinez and I were happy to be part of this extravaganza. Even Aboleth singer Brigitte Roka came and thought it was a great show. I want to give a special shout out to Another Century publicist David McDonald for getting us into the show. He has an eye for talent. Each band performed extremely well and I cannot wait to see them again someday. To Gemini Syndrome and Stitched Up Heart, awesome show and I salute you. Horns up!!!