2 Matching Articles for "Lou Reed"

Press Release: Live At The Bottom Line Series Releases Jack Bruce & Friends Project

Press Release: Live At The Bottom Line Series Releases Jack Bruce & Friends Project

2889 days ago / Laura Lou

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (March 17, 2017) – If you are only familiar with Jack Bruce’s legendary work with Cream, you are missing out on a critical part of Rock and Roll history. Now, that legacy is in the spotlight with the release of Jack Bruce and Friends: Live From The Bo...

Press Release: Grammy Winning Producer/Guitarist Bob Kulick To Release “Skeletons In The Closet” Enlists All-Star Cast

Press Release: Grammy Winning Producer/Guitarist Bob Kulick To Release “Skeletons In The Closet” Enlists All-Star Cast

2897 days ago / Laura Lou

Throughout his forty year music career Bob Kulick has worked with an astonishing array of artists: From Meat Loaf to Motorhead. From KISS to Michael Bolton. WASP to Diana Ross as well as legends such as Roger Daltrey, Alice Cooper, Lou Reed and Paul Stanley's first solo album...